History was made in Grimsby last year when for the first time daughters, as well as sons, of Freemen were granted equality in being admitted onto the Pastures Roll as Freemen in their own right.
This is a copy of the article that was submitted and published in the Journal No. 165 edition of the Freemen of England & Wales;-
Monday, October 4th,2010 was a very historic day for the Freemen of Grimsby when an additional two Mayor’s Courts were called in order to admit 140 new Freemen, predominantly women, who had become eligible for entry onto the Pastures Roll following the legislation which had received Royal Assent earlier in the year. The Mayor, Councillor Norma Lincoln, (who had been Mayor when the AGM of the Freemen of England & Wales was hosted in Grimsby in 2001), was admitted herself, being the daughter of a Freeman.
Because of the importance of the event, the Courts were attended by Stephen White (Chairman), Stephen Wakefield (Vice Chairman), Stephen Savage (Clerk) and Richard Bellamy (Pastures Committee Market Chairman and photographer!). Because of the close relationship which now exists between the Freemen and the Local Authority we have been invited to be present at all subsequent Admission Ceremonies. This might be common place elsewhere but had not been the situation in Grimsby. It was a particularly proud moment for Stephen White since his wife Bridget, son Matthew, daughter Emma and sister Susan were all admitted as Freemen thus promulgating a family line which stretches back to 1674.


Left to right, Liz Conolly ~ Council Solicitor, Cllr Norma Lincoln ~ Mayor of North East Lincolnshire Borough Council, Stephen White ~ Chairman, Stephen Savage ~ Clerk, Stephen Wakefield ~ Vice Chairman, Matthew White, Susan White, Bridget White

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